Tuesday, November 23, 2010

How to Appear SMART?

So you want to be Smart, admired by your peers, fawned on by your superiors. Well, here is the definitive list of exactly how to acquire a reputation for brilliance, whether it is well-deserved or not.

How to PRETEND that you're Smart? (The short-cut!)
  1. Wear glasses: It may seem silly, but glasses are assumed to be a sign of intelligence. Use this assumption to your advantage.
  2. Use largely unknown words: It doesn't matter who you are, if you can call out a word in the classroom that the teacher doesn't know, you will seem well-read and therefore brilliant.
  3. Recite long pieces of poetry: This works especially well with well-known poetry. It probably will not help your attempts to maintain a genius reputation if you stand up and begin to recite the three-page ode to someone's armpit that you found hand-written and carelessly tossed in the trash.
  4. Speak a foreign languageThe fun part about this is that it really makes little difference which foreign language you choose. If you start swearing in Spanish or gossiping in German, your assumed IQ will jump.
  5. Yell "E = MC!": This isn't the best way to appear intelligent, as practically everybody knows it. But if the context is correct, you will seem like another Einstein.
  6. Yell "C = wavelength x frequency!": Actually, any formula from physics or any discipline will do; some are merely easier to memorize and vocalize. Again, appearance of intelligence is the goal.
  7. Say something nobody understands: This goes hand in hand with the last one. If you say something utterly incomprehensible that sounds like it conveys meaning to those who are well-learned, you will seem well-learned.
  8. Avoid stating your intelligence level: We are emphasizing that you seem intelligent. It would be unintelligent to outright lie, as you may easily be found out. However, if you act modest and shy about how smart you are, people will tend to assume that you do not want to embarrass them, especially if you are following the other tips well.
  9. Say your IQ could not be calculated: This statement is wonderful in its ambiguity.
  10. Make allusions nobody knows: "If you'll remember the character of Elbow, and how he taught us - oh, I'm sorry, have you not read that Shakespearean play?"
  11. Make allusions to the oldest stories: Think before Shakespeare. Roman and Greek mythology is good, but Finnish is even better, as it is more obscure.
  12. Muse quietly to yourself.

The human mind has no limits but only a few have managed to go beyond the limits and discover it's true potential. Why some people are termed smart and other's just common? Well the simple difference would be the difference in the knowledge and know how. But not the potential. Every human being has almost the same potential to achieve anything he desires. But what are the exact ingredients which might be required to achieve optimal results? Read on to discover what's needed.
(For the people who have tired pretending to be smart.)
Now try the Real Smart personality follow ups? Just mug up these points in your mind for your lifetime:

  1. Desire to learn. This is what sets boundaries between the smart one's and the common ones. The smart one's always have the desire to learn something new everyday. May it be the smallest of all but they still make an effort.
  2. No limit. Smart people always believe that there is no limit to anything. Anything and everything could be done or achieved if the right work and effort is put into it. Common people are born with limits. They always put a limit to everything which can be done.
  3. Problems are challenges. Smart people always take problems as challenges. They always find an opportunity out of diversity. They know when all doors close there always a window left open which would bail them out.
  4. Work smart not hard. There is a myth which still persists among humanity to always work hard. We live in a world with no limits and there are more than a billion ways to solve a problem. It's only a matter of people trying to discover what those other ways are.
  5. Look at your behaviors and see what you do that generates negative attention and what generates positive attention. Think about why you do certain things. Do you do things to be controversial? To get attention? To look like your friends or to fit into a certain group? Evaluate your results. You now know something about yourself by the process of introspection. Do your results apply to the general population? Probably. Now you're a philosopher!
  6. Understand you can still sharpen up your look and not lose your integrity or your friends.
  7. A VERY good way to look smart is to learn random trivia. You have to know a little about something, then stock up on trivia. Did you know that Martin Van Buren was the 8th president and started his term in 1837? See? If someone is talking with you or with you and some friends talking about something, and you know a little trivia about it, then you should bring it up. Don't interrupt them or you'll look like a jerk. But remember, there is a fine line between dropping little bits of trivia here and there and being a know it all. Beware of doing this too much.
  8. Realize you can still keep your personality and style. Some trends like emo or goth may need to be turned down. If you tend to dress frumpy or older than you really are you'll need to let go of your comfort zone and be willing to try something new.
  9. If you're younger you will need to talk to your parents about the changes you'd like to make. You can slowly evolve your wardrobe by adding in smarter looking pieces. Don't expect to be able to go out and drop a lot of money on new clothes. Looking smart cost money.
  10. Look at the people you respect and think of the things that set them apart from yourself. Is it the look? The confidence? Do they just seem more engaging?
  11. Stop living in your little box and start looking outside of it.
  12. Read at least 20 minutes of news everyday online.
  13. Read about different subjects or people that interest you.
  14. Visit museums, art shows, historical sites, planetariums, etc. Soak up the world around you. Awareness always makes you more knowledgeable and you will have more intelligent things to talk about.
  15. Walk away from the video games and don't spend all night on the computer chatting with friends. You don't have to give either up entirely but you should scale back to make room for other things.
  16. Get involved in a charity or civic duty. This will really broaden your view of the world and bring you much more knowledge about people and society.
  17. Spend time talking to people older and more experienced than you. Talk about the past, events in history they experienced and ask questions.
  18. Participate in class when you're in school and don't fade into the background. Be sure to answer as many challenging questions as you can, but avoid commenting on obvious ones as they will garner no respect and a wrong answer will make you look foolish. Ask questions and openly talk to the teacher about the subjects and ideas behind them either during or after class. Your teachers will respect your interest even if it's newly found.
  19. Do your homework and be prepared. This includes reading, reports and even extra research.
  20. Don't feel pressured to comment on everything. Sometimes the best thing to do is just to listen.
  21. Don't try to bluff your way through topics. The people that actually know about it will spot a phony a mile away. Instead, wait for the conversation to drift to something you are familiar with or direct the conversation in that direction.
  22. Ask questions. Seem engaged. Don't pretend you know everything. The smartest people ask lots of questions. It's called the Socratic Method.
  23. Surround yourself with smart friends and interesting people.
  24. Be genuine. You'll appear smarter if you talk about things you know something about. Sure, you can carry around quantum physics books but when a person familiar with the topic starts engaging in conversation you'll look like a phony and stupid.
  25. Read up on things that already interest you. Reading helps your vocabulary in addition to all the great things you can learn. Check out the library and research online. Expand your knowledge of your interest. If you like music you can read books about your favorite bands, the music industry, older bands that inspired the bands of today, digital production, instruments, etc. The same goes for art, history, fashion, psychology, religion, etc. Carry those books around and you will look smart and be infinitely more interesting than someone who fakes it.
  26. Evaluate your clothes and start adding smart looking pieces to your wardrobe.
  27. Pants and jeans. 
    Shop for pants that are tailored and fit you well in length, in the waist and in overall fit. They can be stylish and trendy. So long as they fit well you appear that you took time in putting the outfit together. 
    Shop for jeans that fit appropriately.
    Start looking for shirts with social messages, vintage rock bands and smart comments. M
    ake sure the shirts are within your interest. You don't want someone to ask about your message and you not understand what it means.
    Don't wear t-shirts all the time and if you do you should top it with a blazer, and accessorize with a belt and appropriate shoes.
  28. Like it or not people judge people based on appearances. It's a fact that people who appear neat or pretty are assumed to be smarter and more successful than people that put less into their appearance. Wear dress shirts sometimes to mix it up. Buy shirts that are cut to fit your body type. Look for lengths that are appropriate, not too short and not too long. Plan ahead and don't go reaching into the back of your closet for your old styles when the seasons change.
  29. Girls and ladies should look for pieces that appear tailored and flatter their good features. Don't hide under bulky sweaters and sweatshirts but look for tailored looking pieces. Get a combination of short and long sleeve. If the fit is good you can mix it up with fun colors and trendy prints.
  30. Athletic shoes during the day and during regular activities are a no-no! Save the athletic wear for when you are actually playing sports or working out. Men and women should avoid wearing athletic attire and shoes unless you are actually doing something athletic.
  31. Wear shoes that are undamaged (free of deep scuffs and wear), that fit well and that can be polished (unless suede). You can get some well made shoes with fun colors that enhance your look and make you look polished while still keeping your personality.
  32. Men should invest in a few pairs of shoes both in black and brown. Again, look for shoes that can be polished and aren't worn out.
  33. Regardless of how smart you are or aren't you need to have a good daily hygiene plan. Pay close attention to personal hygiene!
  34. Shower and shave regularly. At least once daily or more if you participate in sports.
  35. Wear a nice fragrance or body spray.
  36. Guys should get hair cuts every month or so. If you sport a longer style you should at least get the hair trimmed from the back of your neck. You can still be long and funky but you need to keep it shaped and clean looking.
  37. Hairy necks look sloppy and dirty. 
    Ladies should avoid coloring their hair unless they have the time and money to maintain the look and the roots. 
    Black may be cool now but it may look unnaturally dark. Go for colors that compliment your skin tone.
  38. Get a skin care regime and stick to it daily.ash and exfoliate with the appropriate skin care products for your skin type. See a dermatologist if you have acne or skin problems.
  39. Seeing is a good thing. Get glasses if you need them. 
    Get your eyes checked if you haven't in a while, can't see from the back of class or get headaches when you read or spend too much time on the computer. 
    If you need glasses you should shop for a neutral colored plastic (brown, tortoise shell or black) frame or a metal frame. 
    If you wear more silver jewelry you should get a silver frame. 
    If you don't need them you can get non-prescriptions ones but you do run the risk of being teased if you're caught. Glasses are a commitment. Instead of getting contacts and fake glasses just don't get the contacts. Go with glasses for the most studious look.
Remember, smart people have enough going...

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